As mentioned in a previous email we are sending out the request for ideas and projects you are working on in your offices that might be beneficial to the group. If you have a project, a new learned short cut in banner, or information that might be helpful to the MACRAO group as a whole send it out and begin (hopefully) a dialogue of how we can support each other through our shared knowledge!
I’ll share to get us started! At the Western Registrar’s Office to main projects occurring have been the updating of our record retention policies and looking at banner documents to determine how we can better use it for graduation preparation. In regards to the record retention policy, we used AACRAO documents as well as checking with athletic certification, state records, etc. to determine what the long term records are; how to keep and archive them; etc. If anyone is interested I’ve attached our current draft of the document (Very draft. It hasn’t been made pretty yet for publication) Some documents could be kept for shorter lengths of time, but we chose longer marks because it allows students to come back with questions at least in a 5 or 10 year range.
In regards to using Banner for more graduation purposes, we are just starting on this project (reading the fun fun fun Banner manuals) but have already discovered how we can transition half of our graduation spreadsheet information to Banner. If anyone has made use of Banner graduation functions in their offices and would like to share the tricks of the trade I would love to hear from you.
Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471