Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Re: purging banner information.



I do know of instances where the 4MSU campuses have some purging because it clogs the systems.


This is a relevant topic and I know at a past AACRAO, electronic records retention was a hot topic.  I don’t have any best practices to offer… but I do have a cautionary tale for one process least it save anyone else heartache (and the issue may well have been remedied by now).


We had an experience once with banner (one we laugh about now, but did not at the time) where we tried to remedy an issue by utilizing the schedule purge.  At least at that time, there was some fine print that indicated if we used the function and didn’t have registrations in the course schedule for future terms….. it wipes out the entire course schedule (no classes, no caps, no rooms, no instructors, no nothing…).  Not having read the fine print until afterwards……………..   G-O-N-E.  We had to literally sequester staff for weeks to retype every single detail in the course schedule for upcoming terms.  I’m gonna go ahead and NOT recommend that action.  J  So – the nervousness is not bad because it will encourage a thorough review before causing something unrecoverable.




From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Charity Walters
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 2:21 PM
Subject: purging banner information.


So I’m going to pose the question most record keeps most likely shudder to think about J


I’ve been studying the banner manuals a little bit and read various processes regarding purging certain records (class schedules, registrations ect).  Are any of you currently purging any banner records?  If so which purges are you using and what types of processes have you set up to make sure no vital data is lost (purging after certain time frames, exporting data for electronic storage?)  What are your best practices?


I have to own the word purge always makes me nervous when it comes to records.




Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471



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