Monday, April 4, 2016

Choice Act & Veteran's as MT Residents for Tuition/Fees

Good afternoon,


As requested at the MACRAO meeting last week, please find the form & process that GFC MSU is using for helping to track Veterans using the Choice Act.  Financial Aid in GF is monitoring the students as well as requesting the required documents. 


Financial aid keeps a copy of the Choice Act residency forms that are sent to the Registrar’s Office and the Fin Aid Veterans Coordinator periodically checks students to see if still enrolled.    If a student re-enrolls after an absence we would do a new request, if the student still meet the Choice Act eligibility criteria and had not otherwise established residency.


For tracking that in Banner – in SGASTDN, Activities tab -- codes for Veteran’s Choice Act Begin (VCAB) and Veteran’s Choice End (VCAE).  


Below is Julie’s contact information if you have additional questions about the process in GF.  ~d




Julie Rummel

Financial Aid Specialist & Veterans Coordinator

Great Falls College MSU

2100 16th Avenue South

Great Falls, MT  59405

Phone 406.771.4431 or 800.446.2698 ext 4431

Fax 406.771.4410