Wednesday, March 27, 2019

how do you list names in Commencement program

In your commencement programs how are the graduates names listed.  In alphabetical order with degrees next to their names, in degree sections with all the graduates earning that degree listed with it, or another approach (see examples)?


Example 1


John Doe             Bachelor of Arts                Environmental Science

Mary Smith         Associate of Science



Example 2


Bachelor of Arts Environmental Science

Jane Doe

John Doe


Associate of Science

Bob Smith

Mary Smith




Thanks for your feedback



Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471

“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi