Hello all,
I forgot to ask this last week: OPI requires a unique letter from colleges if a 16 year old applicant wishes to take the HiSET. Each time I get the request from a counselor, it’s different. Sometimes it’s a request for the students name to be used, sometimes it’s for a wet signature, sometimes they require it scanned AND mailed. Do you have a template you’d share? Or guidelines you’ve been given by OPI? It seems like the requirements for the letter change each year, and I’ll be honest- I don’t understand the letter’s purpose since the BOR language specifies the admission requirements for MUS schools, and we’re not guaranteeing the applicant admission upon completion of the HiSET.
§ Include a letter on official letterhead stationery from an employer or continuing education training program indicating that acceptance of the candidate is based upon successful completion of the HSE test.
Thank you,
Violet Hopkins
Undergraduate Admissions I University of Montana & Missoula College
32 Campus Drive I Lommasson Center Room 101 I Missoula MT 59812
Voice: 406-243-4771 I Fax: 406-243-5711 I www.umt.edu/admissions