Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Residency question


How do other treat GEDs and HiSETs with the “issued by Montana OPI” seal? If they’re a traditional Freshman, do you treat it like they graduated from a MT high school? Do you have them complete a residency questionnaire for all their parent’s information?


BOR 940.1

H. 1. (c) Any graduate of a Montana high school accredited by the board of public education who is a citizen of the United States or a resident alien who registers at a unit no later than the fourth fall term following the student's high school graduation shall be eligible under this section for in-state status for either (1) six years from the date of initial registration or until the achievement of a baccalaureate degree, whichever occurs first, or (2) as long as the individual remains continuously enrolled at a MUS system campus (excluding summers); provided either of the following conditions existed at the time the student graduated from high school: (i) The student attended the Montana high school for the student's entire senior year; or (ii) The student had a parent who was employed and resided in Yellowstone National Park;



Violet Hopkins 

Undergraduate Admissions  I  University of Montana & Missoula College

32 Campus Drive  I  Lommasson Center Room 101  I  Missoula MT 59812

Voice:  406-243-4771 I  Fax:  406-243-5711  I