As part of Montana’s High Impact Practices (HIPs) project that is being funded through the National Association of System Heads, we would like to have a better statewide understanding of HIPs participation with the ability to measure and track outcomes through the MUS warehouse. Some HIPs are already being captured in Banner using attribute codes and I am proposing a naming scheme for the rest of them. Please review the list below and let me know if your campus already uses one of these attribute codes for something other than what is listed in the translation. The goal would be for broad adoption of the codes starting Fall 2019, but campuses would be free to use them beforehand. They all share the “academic enrichment” prefix.
Attribute | Translation |
AEFL | Faculty-Led Study Abroad |
AEIN | Internships/Practicums |
AEVL | Service Learning/Volunteer |
AEFS | First-Year Seminar/Experience |
AELC | Learning Community |
AEWI | Writing Intensive Course |
AECA | Collaborative Assignment/Project |
AEUR | Undergraduate Research |
AEGL | Global Learning |
AECI | Common Intellectual Experience |
AECP | Capstone Course/Project |
I am working with a team of campus leaders to define a process to have these codes applied, but it will generally begin with the instructor identifying that they have a high impact practice in the section(s) of a course that they teach and having the chief academic officer confirm that the activity meets the minimum HIPs definition. Academic affairs office will approve the HIP and then communicate back to the instructor and registrar to apply the attribute code.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
Erik Rose
Director of Workforce Initiatives and Information
Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
560 North Park Avenue
Helena, MT 59620-3201
Office: (406)449-9133
Cell: (406)210-5463