Save the date for the Fall 2018 MACRAO Meeting on October 4-5 at Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell! If you have suggestions for presenters, discussion topics, or other meeting activities, please feel free to send those to me. Agenda ideas currently being explored include:
- Residency discussion with OCHE Legal Counsel. Update from OCHE on new language for the policy and the residency questionnaire followed by a discussion of residency issues, norms, best practices and the possibility of standardizing information, forms and processing standards across the state.
- Transferability of CORE/Gen Ed; How it shows on transcripts; Common Course Numbering; MUS core how it works (potentially with OCHE representation available for the discussion).
- “Seamless Enrollment” what does this mean at different campuses: how can we facilitate seamless across the state?
- Comprehensive learner outcomes/Co-Curricular transcripts
- Future MACRAO/MASFAA Partnerships
- Future/Strategic planning for MACRAO: what’s working, what could be improved?
Also, MACRAO has been given a $5000 grant by OCHE to use as an organization. We are seeking input from MACRAO members on how to best use those funds so please be sure to send Tony or myself any ideas you have for those funds.
Heather A. Eggum
Associate Registrar
Montana State University Billings
Admissions & Records Office
1500 University Drive
Billings, MT 59101
406-657-1784 (P)
406-657-2302 (F)