Tuesday, May 14, 2013

FW: Incomplete Grades

Hi Annalea,


Here is Great Falls College policy:



An Incomplete (I) grade is issued at faculty discretion when student course work has been satisfactory, but unavoidable mitigating circumstances have prevented the student from completing the course. After consulting with the instructor of the course, a student must make a formal request for an

incomplete grade by completing the Request for an Incomplete Grade form, stating what unavoidable mitigating circumstance(s) prevented completion of the work and proposing the conditions under which the work will be completed. If a request form does not accompany the final grade, the student will be issued a Not Recorded (NR) grade until the proper paperwork is completed and submitted to the Records Office. If the instructor approves the request, the student will have until the end of the following semester to make up the Incomplete. If a student fails to make up an Incomplete within the allotted time, the incomplete grade will be converted to an "F". The Division Director will approve all Requests for Incomplete Grades before they are submitted to the Registrar for posting. The Department Chair or Division Director must be given all information necessary to do final grading for the student as backup for the instructor in case he/she is not available to do the grading at the appropriate time.


Here is our form:  http://www.gfcmsu.edu/admissions_records/pdf/RequestForIncomplete.pdf


Let me know if I can be of more assistance.  ~d


Please note the new e-mail address below to reflect our recent name change to Great Falls College MSU

Dena Wagner-Fossen


Great Falls College MSU

2100 16th Ave S, Great Falls, MT  59405

Phone:  (406) 771-4312 or 1-800-446-2698 ext 4312

FAX:  (406) 771-4329



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From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.MSUGF.EDU] On Behalf Of Annalea Avery
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 10:10 AM
Subject: Incomplete Grades


First I'd like to introduce myself, I'm the new Registrar at Rocky Mountain College! I'm excited to be working with all of you and I hope to meet you all in the future. 


My question is in regards to incomplete grades. How long do you give students to complete missing course work so that their "I" grade doesn't turn to an "F" grade? 


Thank you,

Annalea Avery
Registrar │ Rocky Mountain College
Eaton Hall │1511 Poly Dr. Billings, MT 59102
u │ www.rocky.edu
406.657.1032 │ (F) 406.657.1169


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