Tuesday, September 14, 2021

AACRAO Members upcoming free professional development opportunities

There are two upcoming AACRAO webinars you might find interesting.

 Friday Sept 17 , 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET

 Zoom Fatigue

Sponsored by the AACRAO Women's Caucus

This webinar will discuss the effects of zoom fatigue specifically on women, and ways women can adjust to limit the effects of prolonged Zoom fatigue. A discussion session following the 30-minute webinar will follow to allow for questions and answers.

Monday Sept 20, 11:00 – 12:00 PM ET

 Negotiating Salaries and Job Offers with Confidence

Does the thought of negotiating a salary or job offer package make you feel uncomfortable, empowered, or fearful? Too often, job candidates forget that in addition to salary, there are many components of a job offer that can be negotiated. Do you know that nearly 70% of employers expect candidates to negotiate, but only about 50% do, and even fewer negotiate when from marginalized and vulnerable groups?  Join this live webinar to enhance your preparation to negotiate multiple aspects of an offer and gain basic tips on talking about your needs and value effectively.  Think about negotiation to optimize your career success, and remember that many employers are expecting to engage in this conversation.


Melanie Gottlieb, MA, CAE

Interim Executive Director

AACRAO: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers 
1108 16th St NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036 

Tel:(202) 355-1055| Fax:(202) 872-8857


Treasurer, Board of Directors