The attached proposal is an amendment to the MACRAO constitution and bylaws adding a technology officer to the MACRAO leadership team. This topic was discussed and proposed by the membership at the fall meeting to help maintain the MACRAO website as well as have an officer that specifically to guide any technological initiatives of the organization. There are three documents attached for your consideration.
1. Spring 2017 Bylaw Amendment
This is the proposal document
2. Strikethrough copy of the Constitution and Bylaws MACRAO 3.16.17
For those that like to track changes, this is the track changes document of the Bylaws. Changes should show up in red.
3. Draft copy of the Constitution and Bylaws MACRAO 3.6.17
Assuming approval this is the copy of the Bylaw including the new position
Because this document is being released less than a month prior to the Spring meeting, this amendment will require a 4/5 vote of the members present at the spring meeting on March 16 and 17th.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself, Kandi Gresswell, or Leslie Dickerson.
See you in two weeks!
Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471
“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi