Here is Bozeman's Policy
I Grade (Incomplete)
Instructors may assign a grade of "I" (Incomplete) when students have been unable to complete their academic obligations because of circumstances beyond their control. The University takes the position that when students register, they commit themselves to completing their academic obligations as their primary responsibility. Therefore, the instructor may assign an I grade only in cases when students have suffered extreme personal hardship or unusual academic situations.
An instructor may assign an I grade in cases of personal hardship when students have been unable to fulfill their commitments because of illness, death or illness in the immediate family, family emergencies, or military orders. The Dean of Students will verify personal hardship cases at the instructor's request. The instructor may assign an I grade to a student for personal hardship, provided the student has completed three-fourths of the work of the course with a passing grade. If the student has not satisfactorily completed three-fourths of the course work the instructor must provide written justification for assigning an I grade.
An instructor may also assign an I grade, subject to the department head's approval, in cases when a student has been unable to complete course requirements for reasons such as apparatus or equipment failure, death or disease in experimental animals, delays in material shipments from suppliers, or in other unusual academic circumstances which are clearly beyond the student's control. In these situations, the student must have completed three-fourths of the work of the course with a passing grade. If the student has not satisfactorily completed three-fourths of the course work the instructor must provide written justification for assigning an I grade.
In each instance qualifying for an I grade, the instructor must prepare an I-Grade Authorization form. On this form, the instructor will list the makeup requirements and the date beyond which the I will revert to a F grade.
To change the I grade after the make-up work has been completed, the instructor will complete and submit the Grade Change available through the Registrar's Office. Unless an alternate time is specified by the instructor, an I grade shall be made up no later than the end of the following semester (excluding summer session). An instructor may extend the specified completion time by submitting the required documentation to the Registrar's Office before the reversion grade takes effect. An I grade may not be extended beyond one calendar year. An I grade not made up in the prescribed length of time or within one calendar year lapses to a failure (F).
Make-Up of I Grades
An I Grade make-up is reported to the Registrar on a Grade Change Form. No fee is charged. These grades are not included on the next semester grades.
During the time allowed for the completion of the unfinished work leading to the I grade, the student may have access to university resources (e.g., library) necessary to complete the work.
Tony Campeau
Montana State University
-----Original Message-----
From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: Incomplete policy request
Here's Carroll's policy:
I incomplete is given only under unusual circumstances which cause a delay in a student's completion of a course. The student must be doing passing work after 60% of the course has been completed before an "I"
(incomplete) may be given. The student must make specific arrangements including completion date (no later than the end of the following semester) with the faculty member for the completion of the course. A formal written Request for Grade of Incomplete must be filed in the Office of the Registrar before the assignment of the grade as incomplete.
Our form asks for a completion date, which we enter into Colleague. If that date passes without a final grade being entered, the I automatically converts to an F. We have to monitor and fix the alternate grades manually.
Cassie E. Hall
Carroll College
1601 N. Benton Avenue
Helena, MT 59625-0002
Tel: (406) 447-4572 / (406) 447-5435
-----Original Message-----
From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:
MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Hickman, Joseph
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: Incomplete policy request
At UM, here is the guidance given to faculty:
'I' (incomplete) is appropriate when a student has been in regular attendance and passing for a majority of the class meeting, but is unable to finish for reasons acceptable to you, within the semester. If you assign an incomplete grade and the alternate grade is not an 'F', then click on Link to Send Alternate Grades (other than 'F') For INCOMPLETE To Registrar's Office.
After one year, we run a job to change remaining 'I' grades in Banner to whatever the alternate grade is.
Joseph Hickman | Registrar | University of Montana | (406)243-2412 | ________________________________
From: MACRAO Listserv [
MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] on behalf of Dena Wagner-Fossen [
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 7:16 PM
Subject: Incomplete policy request
Good evening MACRAO colleagues,
We are looking at updating our Incomplete grade policy at Great Falls College MSU. Can you please share you policy, if you have one? Thank you in advance for your feedback & enjoy the long weekend! ~d
Dena Wagner-Fossen
Great Falls College Montana State University
2100 16th Ave S, Great Falls, MT 59405
Phone: (406) 771-4312 or 1-800-446-2698 ext 4312
FAX: (406) 771-4329<mailto:>
The mission of Great Falls College MSU is to educate and inspire you.
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