Hello MACRAO colleagues!
After some review of some notes from the last MACRAO meeting, one conversation we seemed to spend some time on was the importance of sharing of ideas, projects, and processes. In this conversation a few of us noted that sometimes we keep quiet about these new projects because our assumption is that everyone else at the table has been there, done that and we are the last ones on board. I won’t pretend to know your thoughts, but the dialogue that emerged in this conversation seemed to hint that this was an inaccurate assumption.
So here’s the idea. Every two or three months someone from the MACRAO leadership team will send out an email on the listserv opening a dialogue of sharing ideas and projects we are working on in our office with no assumptions of been there, done that mentality! Who knows maybe we can discover some ways to combine our efforts across campus OR if one topic or two topics have enough interest maybe that can be a presentation or dialogue at the next MACRAO.
Let me know your thoughts. Unless there are major objections to using the listserv for this e-mail dialogue once every few months, we will send the first email starting us off with the conversation next week!
Have a great (and hopefully peaceful summer)
Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471