Tuesday, October 25, 2016

MACRAO listserv update

Good evening,


We found a couple of issues with the MACRAO listserv over the last couple of weeks and I wanted to share a quick update.


·         The server issue has been fixed, however in the future if you send an e-mail to the listserv and you don’t get a confirmation message that it posts, please let me know ASAP, so we can trouble shoot the issue with IT here.


·         The second update is that we are getting a LOT of bounced e-mails. It appears that many of the campus’ e-mail servers limit the size of attachments/files being accepted.  It will be very important, to limit the size of attachments/files being sent to the listserv, so all members can receive them. 


·         Thank you also to Sarah at Helena College for compiling the changes/additions/etc. I have finished those changes this evening.


Please let me know if I can be of any assistance. ~d


Dena Wagner-Fossen


Great Falls College Montana State University

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