Good afternoon-
I wanted to let you all know that the VETERAN field ENROLLMENT_INFO table in the warehouse is now being populated with codes from the SGRVETN table (Veteran tab on SGASTDN). These changes have been made to allow us to better report information on veteran status for various grants and inquiries. Previously, these values were cross-walked to a value of ‘Y’ for any code entered in the field. The values are now being cross-walked to match the MSU codes per the attached spreadsheet. The Veteran’s Choice Act indicator of ‘I’ will still be populated in the same fashion, however. If you notice issues with the way we’ve mapped these codes, please let me know so that I can make corrections as necessary.
Additionally, I will be adding a column for the code description in the table as well. I am going to wait until after the CENSUS event has been run to make this change in an effort to keep disruptions to your use of the warehouse during this time to a minimum.
If you have questions or need clarification please let me know, and if you could pass this information along to anyone else who may need it I’d very much appreciate it.
John Thunstrom
MUS IT Director
Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education
(406) 544-3822