Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Re: Residency Requests and Storage


We keep completed residency packets separate by term. They are usually very large files and take up too much room in our cabinets! We can later purge them easier without having to go through all our files to purge. It probably would be cleaner to keep them in the file, but our filing cabinets are full enough as is. Denied residency packets are kept separately and longer.




Jody Ogata I Records and Transcript Management I Office of the Registrar I Montana State University I

101 Montana Hall I PO Box 172660 I Bozeman MT  59717-2660 I 406-994-5522



From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Charity Walters
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 8:27 AM
Subject: Residency Requests and Storage


Okay I have a dumb question this morning, but I’m trying to clean some storage up before the new academic year starts and could use a “best practice” recommendation.


Do you store completed residency appeals with the students file or do you keep them in a separate file/cabinet per academic year or semester?


Thanks for any recommendations.



Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471

“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi



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