Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Good afternoon-

I wanted to let you all know that the VETERAN field ENROLLMENT_INFO table in the warehouse is now being populated with codes from the SGRVETN table (Veteran tab on SGASTDN).  These changes have been made to allow us to better report information on veteran status for various grants and inquiries.  Previously, these values were cross-walked to a value of ‘Y’ for any code entered in the field.  The values are now being cross-walked to match the MSU codes per the attached spreadsheet.  The Veteran’s Choice Act indicator of ‘I’ will still be populated in the same fashion, however.  If you notice issues with the way we’ve mapped these codes, please let me know so that I can make corrections as necessary. 


Additionally, I will be adding a column for the code description in the table as well.  I am going to wait until after the CENSUS event has been run to make this change in an effort to keep disruptions to your use of the warehouse during this time to a minimum.


If you have questions or need clarification please let me know, and if you could pass this information along to anyone else who may need it I’d very much appreciate it.




John Thunstrom

MUS IT Director

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406) 544-3822


Liquidez Ni bancos ni Cirbe ni avales

Liquidez. Ni bancos, ni Cirbe, ni avales.



Líneas de liquidez fuera del circuito bancario para cuando necesitas fondos rápido pero no quieres pelear con los bancos, apuntes en Cirbe o aportar avales.

Empresas de descuento de pagarés y otros.

Operativa sencilla que no necesita que tu empresa aporte avales adicionales.

Para saber más:

Empresas de factoring.

Anticipa facturas de toda la UE, excepto Italia.

Para saber más:

Empresas de anticipo de certificaciones.

Imprescindible si trabajas con la Administración Pública.

Para saber más:

Empresas de anticipo de contratos.

Obtén liquidez mediante la cesión de los derechos de cobro de un determinado contrato.

Para saber más:

Empresas de Confirming.

La entidad gestiona las facturas de tus proveedores, adelantando el pago de las mismas.

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Somos expertos en gestionar estas líneas.

Podemos conseguir lo que necesitas.

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Fondos del ICO

Fondos del ICO



Las líneas ICO son una opción inmejorable para que tu empresa se beneficie de fondos estatales en 2016, gracias a unos de los tipos de interés más reducidos.

ICO fidelidad y crecimiento.

Con la línea ICO Fidelidad podrás cancelar un ICO anterior y formalizar uno nuevo que mejore sus condiciones.

Para saber más:

ICO comercial.

Liquidez mediante el anticipo de facturas procedentes de tu actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

Para saber más:

ICO empresas y emprendedores.

Orientado a empresas y autónomos que realicen un proyecto en territorio nacional o necesiten liquidez.

Para saber más:


Es necesario contar con el aval de una SGR o de la Sociedad Anónima de Caución Agraria.

Para saber más:

ICO internacional.

Destinado a autónomos y empresas españolas o mixtas con capital mayoritariamente español.

Para saber más:

ICO exportadores.

Liquidez con el anticipo del importe de facturas procedentes de tu actividad exportadora.

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Somos expertos en gestionar estas líneas.

Podemos conseguir lo que necesitas.

Llámanos al 981 90 49 49


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Friday, August 26, 2016

Re: FERPA releases for Grades

One other items we will be implementing in the near future related to phone calls is asking the student to provide the answer to a question or a security password that a person must supply if they are calling to request information about the student.   Haven't quite worked out the details yet, but we are heading that direction in both the registrar and financial aid office to increase FERPA protection, but still provide service to students and whomever they allow to access their records.




Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471

"Start by doing what is necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." St. Francis of Assisi


From: Charity Walters
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 2:28 PM
Subject: RE: FERPA releases for Grades


Hi Tony,


1.  We do allow the release of information if students complete the attached FERPA release form.  We keep a record in Banner SGASTDN Comments screen regarding who has release and what are the limits.  They do not get their own login, but with the FERPA release have the right to inquire about the record.  If a parent calls we ask for some verification of information that they might know about the student, but we do not mail out grades.   One final note, we require the student be separate from their parent when their completing the form so we can at least know that the student completed it themselves.


2.  As a rough estimate I would say half the incoming class since starting the form two years ago submit it.  However I would guess follow up calls from parents are much less. 


Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471

"Start by doing what is necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." St. Francis of Assisi


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Campeau, Tony
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 2:10 PM
Subject: FERPA releases for Grades




Can you please let me know how your campus handles FERPA releases for academic records?


This topic came up at the President's Cabinet today and we may be looking to change our policy/practices.  Currently, at MSU Bozeman students can sign a FERPA release that allows their parents to discuss their bill or their financial aid.  They can also sign a release with the dean of students generally for disciplinary follow-up and they can sign a release allowing faculty to reference the student's grades, GPA, class rank in a letter or recommendation.  We do NOT have a FERPA release for academic records.  We tell the student and the parents that the student can either: send a copy of an unofficial transcript, request an official transcript be sent (charges apply), or print/print-to-.pdf a copy of their degreeworks audit and send it to the parents.  Historically, there had been a practice of suggesting that students share system login information with their parents, but we do longer do that on advice of legal counsel and IT security.


If you do have a FERPA release for academic grades could you let me know:

1.       How you manage it?  Do parents call in?  Do you automatically send grades at the end of term?  Do the parents get their own login with limited access?  How do you control/scale the operation?

2.       What percentage (approximately) of the student population takes advantage of the release?


If you could let me know your practices I have promised to report back to the President's Cabinet next week.


Thank you so much – hope all is going well in your ramp up to a great fall 2016!!






Tony Campeau


Montana State University







To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Línea ICO para liquidez

ICO Comercial

La línea ICO Comercial es la mejor opción para conseguir liquidez para tu empresa en 2016

Para autónomos y empresas
con domicilio social en España.

Obten liquidez anticipando facturas
procedentes de tu actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

Hasta 12,5 millones por empresa y año
y con un tipo máximo de Euribor + 2,30

Somos expertos en gestionar líneas ICO y podemos conseguir la tuya

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49

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Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Re: FERPA releases for Grades



Similar to UM Western, we have the attached form.  Parents, students, staff and other lacked appreciation for everyone having their own release form… and felt that if you've signed one – it should have the requisite options all in one place, so ours is a one form covers every area experience – choose your own adventure.


·         We require students sign in the presence of a staff member; or send it in notarized.

·         It is logged in SPACMNT with the FER comment type indicating who, what to release, and timeframe covered


Our protocol is that this release then gives parents the same rights as the student would have. 


Pertaining to academic records as is your query…


We don't let students call in over the phone for grades or transcripts – so we would treat FERPA authorized individuals likewise.  A FERPA authorized person can execute tasks as if the student… request a transcript through traditional means; change course registration; drop courses – basically act in abstentia of the student.


Haven't mailed grades since I've been the registrar (2005) to anyone unless they submit a transcript request.


We discuss it thoroughly at Orientation; it is available all year, but I don't post ours on line because I believe in the power of the conversation of explaining the decision to parents, family and students.  Remembering we are perhaps more non-traditional than many (though non traditional family members can sometimes be more direct in their communication on this matter) other campuses – I would say perhaps 2-3% of our population exercise this.





From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Campeau, Tony
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 2:10 PM
Subject: FERPA releases for Grades




Can you please let me know how your campus handles FERPA releases for academic records?


This topic came up at the President's Cabinet today and we may be looking to change our policy/practices.  Currently, at MSU Bozeman students can sign a FERPA release that allows their parents to discuss their bill or their financial aid.  They can also sign a release with the dean of students generally for disciplinary follow-up and they can sign a release allowing faculty to reference the student's grades, GPA, class rank in a letter or recommendation.  We do NOT have a FERPA release for academic records.  We tell the student and the parents that the student can either: send a copy of an unofficial transcript, request an official transcript be sent (charges apply), or print/print-to-.pdf a copy of their degreeworks audit and send it to the parents.  Historically, there had been a practice of suggesting that students share system login information with their parents, but we do longer do that on advice of legal counsel and IT security.


If you do have a FERPA release for academic grades could you let me know:

1.       How you manage it?  Do parents call in?  Do you automatically send grades at the end of term?  Do the parents get their own login with limited access?  How do you control/scale the operation?

2.       What percentage (approximately) of the student population takes advantage of the release?


If you could let me know your practices I have promised to report back to the President's Cabinet next week.


Thank you so much – hope all is going well in your ramp up to a great fall 2016!!






Tony Campeau


Montana State University







To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Re: FERPA releases for Grades

Hi Tony,


1.  We do allow the release of information if students complete the attached FERPA release form.  We keep a record in Banner SGASTDN Comments screen regarding who has release and what are the limits.  They do not get their own login, but with the FERPA release have the right to inquire about the record.  If a parent calls we ask for some verification of information that they might know about the student, but we do not mail out grades.   One final note, we require the student be separate from their parent when their completing the form so we can at least know that the student completed it themselves.


2.  As a rough estimate I would say half the incoming class since starting the form two years ago submit it.  However I would guess follow up calls from parents are much less. 


Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471

"Start by doing what is necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." St. Francis of Assisi


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Campeau, Tony
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2016 2:10 PM
Subject: FERPA releases for Grades




Can you please let me know how your campus handles FERPA releases for academic records?


This topic came up at the President's Cabinet today and we may be looking to change our policy/practices.  Currently, at MSU Bozeman students can sign a FERPA release that allows their parents to discuss their bill or their financial aid.  They can also sign a release with the dean of students generally for disciplinary follow-up and they can sign a release allowing faculty to reference the student's grades, GPA, class rank in a letter or recommendation.  We do NOT have a FERPA release for academic records.  We tell the student and the parents that the student can either: send a copy of an unofficial transcript, request an official transcript be sent (charges apply), or print/print-to-.pdf a copy of their degreeworks audit and send it to the parents.  Historically, there had been a practice of suggesting that students share system login information with their parents, but we do longer do that on advice of legal counsel and IT security.


If you do have a FERPA release for academic grades could you let me know:

1.       How you manage it?  Do parents call in?  Do you automatically send grades at the end of term?  Do the parents get their own login with limited access?  How do you control/scale the operation?

2.       What percentage (approximately) of the student population takes advantage of the release?


If you could let me know your practices I have promised to report back to the President's Cabinet next week.


Thank you so much – hope all is going well in your ramp up to a great fall 2016!!






Tony Campeau


Montana State University







To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

FERPA releases for Grades



Can you please let me know how your campus handles FERPA releases for academic records?


This topic came up at the President's Cabinet today and we may be looking to change our policy/practices.  Currently, at MSU Bozeman students can sign a FERPA release that allows their parents to discuss their bill or their financial aid.  They can also sign a release with the dean of students generally for disciplinary follow-up and they can sign a release allowing faculty to reference the student's grades, GPA, class rank in a letter or recommendation.  We do NOT have a FERPA release for academic records.  We tell the student and the parents that the student can either: send a copy of an unofficial transcript, request an official transcript be sent (charges apply), or print/print-to-.pdf a copy of their degreeworks audit and send it to the parents.  Historically, there had been a practice of suggesting that students share system login information with their parents, but we do longer do that on advice of legal counsel and IT security.


If you do have a FERPA release for academic grades could you let me know:

1.       How you manage it?  Do parents call in?  Do you automatically send grades at the end of term?  Do the parents get their own login with limited access?  How do you control/scale the operation?

2.       What percentage (approximately) of the student population takes advantage of the release?


If you could let me know your practices I have promised to report back to the President's Cabinet next week.


Thank you so much – hope all is going well in your ramp up to a great fall 2016!!






Tony Campeau


Montana State University





Monday, August 22, 2016

Hasta 9 años con 7 de carencia para proyectos de expansión

Enisa competitividad

Fondos públicos para proyectos de expansión o de mejora del sistema productivo

  • Con la línea Enisa Competitividad 2016.
  • Para pymes con un proyecto viable técnica y económicamente.
  • Entre 25.000€ y 1.5M de euros.
  • Plazo máximo de amortización de 9 años, con hasta 7 años de carencia del principal.

Somos expertos en gestionar esta línea y podemos conseguir la tuya

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49

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Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes