Monday, October 19, 2015

Info for Fall MACRAO Meeting

Hello Everyone!


Jessica Brubaker from MUS will be presenting at the meeting this week. She forwarded the two attached documents for our members to review before her presentation. I have included her email below to share with you. It will give you a preview of the discussion!






Hi Kristi-


Could you please forward this email to the MACRAO group for our discussion on Records Retention Guidelines? As you and I discussed earlier, I have been working with Leslie Taylor (MSU Legal Counsel) and Donna Mccrea (Head of Archives at UM) to come up with a records retention schedule for the system - these would be minimum periods of retention, departments can decide to hold on to records for longer if they want.  At this point, we have a working draft and are going to start sharing specific sections with the departments to which those sections apply.


I have attached the draft introductory language for the records retention guidelines, and the draft Student Records section. We adopted AACRAO’s suggested retention periods whenever we could, but would like to get input from the MACRAO group about the proposed guidelines. The yellow highlighting indicates items for which AACRAO assigned a retention period of “until administrative need is satisfied.” We would like to have a set minimum for each period, and so assigned time periods for those based on what other institutions do and/or what seemed reasonable. I am hoping that the group can pay special attention to these highlighted sections as there was no clear guidance from AACRAO.






Jessica M. Brubaker

Associate Legal Counsel

Montana University System

2500 Broadway

Helena, MT 59601
