Monday, June 3, 2013

OCHE Data Warehouse

Forwarded on behalf of Kevin Turner at OCHE.  Are there any objections to using HSET as a code on STVTESC for the new GED?  Any suggestions for a description?


From: Turner, Kevin []
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 2:58 PM
To: Dena Wagner-Fossen; Trevor, Tyler
Subject: RE: DW summer modifications


Would you forward to the group as suggestion to use the code “HSET” in the table stvtesc for the whole state, please?

I don’t have any preference for a description, so open to suggestions.

This would make the programming easier.




Kevin Turner

MUS Data Warehouse DBA

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406)444-0337 Office

(406)422-6874 Cell

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail . . . but, a true friend

will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn . . . that was fun!"


From: Trevor, Tyler []
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 2:33 PM
To: Bernie Tregidga; Ashley, Bonnie; Bonnie Dux; Brad Eldredge; Brown, Michael; Charity Walters; Cheri Johannes; Dawn Ressel; Dena Wagner-Fossen; Diane Flamand; Ed Johnson; Edward Tomsu; Fastnow, Christina; Jessie Dufner; Joyce Ayre; Kathy Williams; Linda Wham; Lindsey Brown; Lisa Blundt; Maggie Peterson; Melissa Harrington; Melody Lee; Wigert, Monika; Russ Fillner; Sara Dellwo; Susan Selig Wallwork; Tom Degel; Turner, Kevin; Virginia Berube; Wendy Dove
Subject: DW summer modifications


All –

Below are scheduled modifications to the student warehouse for this summer.  All changes should be in place for Fall 2013 data extracts.



SAT Writing and ACT Writing Scores to Enrollment Table

HS_GPA to Admit Table

GED conversion to HiSET  



               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_CONC_123        

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_CONC_123_DESC           

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       TRANSFER_OUT              

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_CODE_6           

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_DESC_6            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_CODE_7           

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_DESC_7            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_CODE_8           

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_DESC_8            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_CODE_9           

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_DESC_9            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_CODE_10        

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_DESC_10         

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_CODE_11        

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_DESC_11         

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_CODE_12        

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       COHORT_DESC_12         

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_FP_GPA_HOURS     


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_FP_GPA_HOURS_ATTEMPTED          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_FP_QUALITY_POINTS            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_FP_GPA      

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_FP_HOURS_PASSED              

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_LW_GPA_HOURS    


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_LW_GPA_HOURS_ATTEMPTED        

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_LW_QUALITY_POINTS          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_LW_GPA     

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       OL_LW_HOURS_PASSED             

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_FP_GPA_HOURS       


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_FP_GPA_HOURS_ATTEMPTED            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_FP_QUALITY_POINTS              

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_FP_GPA        


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_LW_GPA_HOURS      


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_LW_GPA_HOURS_ATTEMPTED          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_LW_QUALITY_POINTS            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_LW_GPA       

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IL_LW_HOURS_PASSED               

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       ACTIVITY_CODE_1          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       ACTIVITY_CODE_3          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       ACTIVITY_CODE_4          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       ACTIVITY_CODE_5          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       ACTIVITY_CODE_6          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_FP_GPA_HOURS       


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_FP_GPA_HOURS_ATTEMPTED           

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_FP_QUALITY_POINTS             

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_FP_GPA        


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_LW_GPA_HOURS     


               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_LW_GPA_HOURS_ATTEMPTED          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_LW_QUALITY_POINTS            

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_LW_GPA       

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       IT_LW_HOURS_PASSED               

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_CONC_2_3       

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_CONC_2_3_DESC          

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       DEPT_2_2_DESC              

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_CONC_223        

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_CONC_223_DESC           

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_DEPT_1_2         

               ENROLLMENT_INFO       MAJOR_DEPT_1_2_DESC