Wednesday, June 19, 2013

FW: Question about Quarters

Trying again.  J


From: Johannes, Cheri
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 12:45 PM
To: ''
Subject: Question about Quarters




I met with officials from Chief Dull Knife a few weeks back and the question arose as to how the rest of us would manage their transfer students if they began again on the quarter-system, instead of semester-system.


They are looking at this as a way to retain students, but don’t want to ultimately disadvantage a student going on to additional educational opportunities.


I provided some information from AACRAO in general on conversions, but specifically the questions seem to center around the following:

·         Credit slippage in general

·         Credit slippage for specific programs


I indicated I would help by polling all of you to give them a broader response than simply my own.


For example – a student takes their Writ 101 for 4 quarter credits.  For an institution that requires 3 semester credits in Writing – will you consider the requirement done for a general education course; and simply make up the total in the end for graduation credits; or will you require an additional credit (or partial credit) in writing to specifically meet that content ?


Thank you for your help!

