Thursday, October 8, 2020

Re: Seeking input re: fee structure and joint-degree diploma

Good morning, MACRAO –


My apologies for being late to the discussion. I’ll add our 2¢ in the chance it may be helpful.



The University issues a complimentary official transcript to each degree candidate, at the time of degree completion. Every official transcript from that point forward, is $10.00 each, ordered and paid through the National Student Clearinghouse. Similar to Carroll College, we net approximately $6.50-$7.50 per official transcript. There is no cost for unofficial transcripts obtained through our student self-service, or printed or sent electronically from the Registrar’s Office.


Graduation Fee

A fee of $90 is required at the point of submission of the graduation application. This fee is standard across all degree types: undergraduate and graduate. As we do not identify our certificates as a degree, there is no fee for certificate programs, in order for the credential to be earned and applied to an academic record. For each additional degree (such as a dual degree BA/BS), a $10 fee is applied (for a total of $100). The student pays for regalia separately, and it is the responsibility of the student to place the order, and to pay for associated costs.



The university pays for a diploma and diploma cover, and works through a 3rd party vendor to ship those direct from the facility, to the student. A $25 fee is charged for any replacement diploma requested. Each degree has a separate diploma; therefore a student could have three diplomas: BA, BS, and graduate-level. We print the degree type as well as the major on the diploma; hence the reason for one diploma for each degree, if a dual degree is earned. For students with a dual major, only one major will print on the diploma, so the student must proactively note which major is the preferred major for the ‘wall hanging’ although both majors are printed on the academic record (transcript).


Thank you for the discussion. It was great to see what others are doing in the areas of transcript and graduation fees.


Have a great remainder of your week, and stay well.




Brittany Budeski 

Registrar  |  COVID Response Coordinator  

University of Providence

1301 20th St So

Great Falls, MT  59405

Phone: 406.791.5207 or 800-856-9544

Fax: 406.791.5209     




From: MACRAO Listserv <MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU> On Behalf Of Mangold, Maria
Sent: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 12:30 PM
Subject: Seeking input re: fee structure and joint-degree diploma


Dear MACRAO colleagues,


I’m seeking your input and guidance in two areas:


  1. Could you please let us know what and how your institution charges for the following?  We’re trying to meet a deadline of 10/21/2020 to submit any changes/updates to our current fee practices:
    1. Transcript fee
    2. Graduation fee
  2. Program administrators from our Master of Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Public Health (MPH) have inquired about processing a joint-degree diploma (e.g. listing both degrees on ONE diploma).  They claim that students wish for this type of documentation.  My staff and I were perplexed by the request.  Since they’re two separate degrees, I don’t see how or why we would do such a thing.  Does anyone have any information or insight about this?  My hunch is that students don’t want to submit two different graduation applications.  Hence, one of the many reasons we’re reconsidering our graduation application fee structure and process. 


Thanks in advance for your help!


Best regards,





EL 201   |   Missoula, Montana

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