Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Re: coaches accessing Banner?

Good morning,


We do allow head coaches to have some query access to specific forms within Banner, as they are the acting athletic advisor for our student athletes. We go through lengthy training and discuss the concept of having access versus a need-to-know. They are trained to only search for their student-athletes, as searching for any student outside of their roster, would be a violation and would result in their access being removed.


We also set up their “My Banner” options within the system, so that they have direct access to the 5-6 forms that are specific to their needs.


We will more than likely be changing this practice for the upcoming year; however, as we will move into the use of CRM Advise, which will be a more controlled environment for coaches to see only their student-athletes.


Have a great day,



Brittany Budeski  |   Registrar

University of Providence

1301 20th St So

Great Falls, MT  59405

Phone: 406.791.5207 or 800-856-9544

Fax: 406.791.5209     





From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Charity Walters
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 4:19 PM
Subject: coaches accessing Banner?


I have a new one for me.  Our athletic department is requesting that one of their coaches have access to Banner student so they can check progress of their players.  My FERPA flag goes up because I couldn’t limit his access to just football players.  Do your athletic coaches have access to see Banner for student tracking or do you approach it through an advisors access through the online portals?  Any other ideas?


Thanks for your thoughts.




Charity Walters| Registrar and Director of Institutional Research | The University of Montana Western | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 |
Phone 406.683.7471

“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis of Assisi



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