Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Fwd: Follow Up on WICHE ICE Input



Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jones, Sue" <sjones@montana.edu>
Date: December 8, 2015 at 5:27:25 PM MST
To: "Campeau, Tony" <tcampeau@montana.edu>, "Johannes, Cheri" <CJohannes@msubillings.edu>
Cc: "Cech, John" <jcech@montana.edu>
Subject: Follow Up on WICHE ICE Input

Dear Cheri and Tony:


I am sending you this quick email to let you know that after much discussion, it has been determined that WICHE ICE will be used to pilot course sharing.  This is necessary due to the anticipated larger volume of courses for sharing that will be created by the TAACCCT grants.  The intent is to learn from this platform and make a decision later to determine if we (MUS) want to develop our own system or remain with WICHE ICE.  This pilot has been reviewed and discussed with Provosts Potvin and Brown, the two-year Deans and CEOs, the Community College Presidents, Deputy Commissioner Cech and Commissioner Christian and they agree on this approach.


On the plus side, we have grant funds to support this pilot and are aware that there is a potential to generate upwards of 200-300 enrollments or more in course sharing.  We know that this would be cumbersome with our current homegrown system for course sharing.


Please know that we welcome your involvement and are always interested in your input.


Best Regards,




Susan K. Jones

Montana University System

Director, Two Year Mission

PO Box 203201

2500 Broadway

Helena, MT  59620

O - 406-444-0318

M - 406-925-2057
