I am with Aaniiih Nakoda College and we also received the letter. I am very reluctant to submit social security numbers and disability status on students. Do they need the information on all our students or just those student under the "Workforce Training" program? The Department of Labor should be able to obtain this information directly from their clients. This makes me nervous also. I am glad this discussion is coming from the university system, I thought it was just us.
Dixie Brockie
Aaniiih Nakoda College
Registrar/Admission Officer
406-353-2607 x233
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 11:27 PM
Subject: Data for Workforce Training
MACRAO Colleagues,
I’m assuming your institutions received the attached letter, and I’m wondering if anyone has concerns about the information being requested and how it’s being shared with the Dept. of Labor and Industry? My understanding from our institutional research office is that we have a secure file transfer process set up, as well as an agreement that the files will be destroyed once used. With these measures in place, I’m interpreting this as allowable under FERPA since we can consider the Dept. as being “under contract to perform a special task” of sorts. Would you agree?
More specifically, I’m also wondering how you would report on disability status (is it a Y or N, or do you have different types noted?) and whether or not a disability “flag” of sorts is something that’s stored in your SIS. Flagging students in this way is something that concerns us, but I also don’t like that the information is being stored in a separate database outside of our Colleague system.
Any thoughts or guidance you have is much appreciated… and happy almost summer!
Cassie E. Hall
Carroll College
1601 N. Benton Ave.
Helena, MT 59625-0002
Tel: (406) 447-4572 / (406) 447-5435
Fax: (406) 447-5503
Email: chall@carroll.edu
Web: www.carroll.edu
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