Hello MACRAO Colleagues and Friends –
Well, I've gone and done it!
As you can see from the subject line above, after a year of deliberation, I have elected to "re-retire" after "un-retiring" and serving UM since March 2009.
As I make my exit yet again, I wish all of you great colleagues the very best in your professional and personal lives. It's been a true pleasure working with you over the years, and more importantly getting to know many of you as more than just colleagues, but often as friends.
Should you wish to stay in touch, my personal email address is: Johnson.edwin@gmail.com .
All best!
Ed Johnson
Registrar (for a few more days!)
The University of Montana
From: OfficeoftheProvost@umontana.edu [mailto:OfficeoftheProvost@umontana.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 3:04 PM
To: CampusCommunications@umontana.edu
Subject: Retirement of Edwin Johnson, Registrar
To: Campus Community
From: Perry J. Brown, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
Edwin Johnson has informed me of his plan to retire, effective July 3, 2013. Ed has worked tirelessly on behalf of the University of Montana and our students. Please join me in thanking Ed for his contributions to UM, where he has served as Registrar for over four years. An interim Registrar will be appointed soon.