Tuesday, May 23, 2023

USE THIS MACRAO monthly meeting - Admissions process time study

As part of my work with enroll ml, I have been conducting a Time Study, critically evaluating the six major stages of the admissions yield process to determine how much time is spent to accomplish this task.

Even though I have worked for fifteen years in college admissions across four different institutions, I have been surprised by the results.  As such, we are putting together a free webinar focused on the results of the time study (so far) and the implications.

Please note – this is not part of the sales pitch for enroll ml.  The webinar includes no “demo” or “call to action” – instead, is meant to share the knowledge we have acquired through our business practice, and go on from there.

Looking forward,

Teege Mettille
Director of Enrollment Success
enroll ml
