We need your help!
During our spring MACRAO meeting we decided to hold our fall meeting October 14-15 in Billings. We have been working with LeRoy Rooker to come complete his Montana FERPA tour. Unfortunately the only dates he not available this fall if October 13-15. Would folks like to move our fall MACRAO meeting allowing LeRoy to join for a presentation or plan to have LeRoy join us at our Spring MACRAO meeting? If we move the dates for our fall MACRAO meeting then we would hold the meeting October 28-29 in Billings. As an FYI the fall PACRAO meeting is October 31-November 3. Please respond to this email with your preferred fall MACRAO meeting time by Monday, July 19th.
The MACRAO leadership team is looking for additional ideas on discussion topics for the meeting. A couple of topics that have been shared are:
MACRAO working group update on Tribal College Transfers
Orientation Takeaways
Math Placement at institutions
Yields from the recent Application Cycle
Apply Montana
AACRAO conference takeaways
How are institutions utilizing Parts of Term and use of Winter Session
Veteran Services update on 85/15 Rule
Secretary State Office on Notary Trainings
Celebrate COVID accomplishments
Please let us know what topics we can bring to this meeting to make it a successful collaboration for all.
Ashley Irion
Associate Registrar
Montana State University
Office of the Registrar
111 Montana Hall
Phone: (406) 994.5524