Friday, July 29, 2016

FW: retirement

Sent on behalf of Deana McNabb.


Leslie Dickerson

Montana Tech

Registrar/Executive Dir. of Enrollment Management

(406) 496-4879


From: McNabb, Deana []
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 11:03 AM
To: Dickerson, Leslie - Enrollment Services <>
Subject: retirement


Good Morning Leslie,


My email doesn’t seem to work on the listserve so I am going to ask you to distribute this for me.


Today is my last day of work at Blackfeet Community College.  I am retiring and , hopefully, will keep busy with family, homelife, travel.  I certainly have plans to keep me busy for the next two months. 


I am very grateful and privileged to have known and worked with you over the years.  The MACRAO mentorship, knowledge, advice, and friendship have been a godsend to me.

 I’m going to miss our meetings but will probably run into some of you during my travels.


Helen Horn is the Registrar Assistant.  She will probably be acting Registrar until someone is hired.  Could you add her to your listserve?


Take care and God bless.

Deana M. McNabb


Blackfeet Community College

Cuatro líneas no bancarias para pymes

Cuatro líneas fuera del sistema bancario

No computan en CIRBE y están completamente al margen de los bancos.


1. Enisa

Enisa es una empresa pública dependiente del Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo.

Su objetivo es promover proyectos empresariales viables e innovadores enfocados a mejora de la competitividad, expansión y a nuevas tecnologías.

Quiero mi Enisa

2. Crowdlending

Tiene unos criterios de concesión mucho más flexibles, por crowdlending salen adelante operaciones que nunca saldrían con un banco.

Para estas operaciones es imprescindible un buen plan financiero que demuestre a los posibles inversores la viabilidad del proyecto.

Quiero un

3. Descuento de pagarés

En una operación de anticipo de pagarés el cliente cede el efecto a la empresa para que anticipe su importe.

Operativa sencilla que no necesita que tu empresa aporte avales adicionales.

Quiero descontar

4. Factoring

Anticipa facturas de toda la UE, excepto Italia.

Existen líneas de factoring con recurso y sin recurso. En las primeras asumes tú los impagos y en las segundas la empresa de factoring.

Quiero una
línea de factoring

Somos expertos en gestionar estas líneas.
Podemos conseguir lo que necesitas.

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49
o por whatsapp en el 689 04 02 59

o te contactamos nosotros

Déjanos tus datos

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lineas ICO para Pymes

Líneas ICO 2016

Las líneas ICO son una opción inmejorable para que tu empresa se beneficie de fondos estatales en 2016.


1. ICO fidelidad y crecimiento 2016

Con la línea ICO Fidelidad podrás cancelar un ICO anterior y formalizar uno nuevo que mejore sus condiciones.

El importe máximo será de 12.5 millones por empresa, en una o varias operaciones.

Muy interesante si ya tienes un ICO

Quiero un ICO fidelidad y crecimiento

2. ICO Crédito comercial 2016

Obtén liquidez mediante el anticipo de facturas procedentes de tu actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

Hasta 12,5 millones de saldo vivo por empresa y año. Operación al Euribor + 2,30 puntos (máximo).

Muy interesante si necesitas liquidez

Quiero un ICO Crédito comercial

3. ICO empresas y emprendedores

Orientado a empresas y autónomos que realicen un proyecto en territorio nacional o necesiten liquidez.

La entidad bancaria no puede cobrar comisión, excepto en caso de amortización anticipada.

Muy interesante por su versatilidad

Quiero un ICO empresas y emprendedores


Paraproyectos en España o fuera del territorio nacional o para cubrir necesidades de liquidez.

Es necesario contar con el aval de una SGR o de la Sociedad Anónima de Caución Agraria (SAECA).

Muy interesante en el sector agrario

Quiero un ICO SGR / SAECA

5. ICO internacional 2016

Destinado a autónomos y empresas españolas o mixtas con capital mayoritariamente español.

Para liquidez, vehículos turismo, adquisición de empresas, creación de empresas...

Muy interesante para expansión

Quiero un ICO internacional

6. ICO exportadores 2016

Obtén liquidez con el anticipo del importe de facturas procedentes de tu actividad exportadora.

Hasta 12.5 millones de saldo vivo por empresa y año. EURIBOR a 6 meses más un máximo de 2,3 puntos.

Muy interesante sin necesitas liquidez

Quiero un ICO exportadores

Somos expertos en gestionar líneas ICO.
Podemos conseguir el tuyo.

981 90 49 49

Te llamamos nosotros

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Re: Disability Indicator

John -

DCC does not use this form.


Virginia Boysun
Dawson Community College
300 College Drive
Glendive, MT  59330
(406) 377-9404

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Lisa Blunt <> wrote:


I don't believe that we are currently using this.  I'll visit with my superiors and get their thoughts.




Lisa Blunt


Miles Community College

2715 Dickinson St.

Miles City, MT  59301

(406) 874-6214 phone

(406) 874-6283 fax



From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Thunstrom, John
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 11:19 AM
Subject: Disability Indicator


Good morning-

I am in the process of going over the code and crosswalk tables for the data warehouse in regards to the Disability field, and am finding that it isn't being populated by the vast majority of schools.  We have need to populate this field correctly for reporting on several federal grants, so are looking to get the information cleaned up for the upcoming fall semester. 


I thought I would start with this group to ask who I might speak to on each campus to get input as to how things are recorded in Banner at each location.  The code currently looks at the information from form GOAMEDI to determine whether or not a student has a code entered that indicates a disability.  If schools are currently using this approach, I will just need to make sure that we are appropriately identifying the correct codes and crosswalk the values to the warehouse.  If not, I will likely need to get a group together to discuss how we might standardize the recording of this information so we are accurately reflecting the population.


Any assistance or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.




John Thunstrom

MUS IT Director

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406) 544-3822




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To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Re: Disability Indicator


I don’t believe that we are currently using this.  I’ll visit with my superiors and get their thoughts.




Lisa Blunt


Miles Community College

2715 Dickinson St.

Miles City, MT  59301

(406) 874-6214 phone

(406) 874-6283 fax



From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Thunstrom, John
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 11:19 AM
Subject: Disability Indicator


Good morning-

I am in the process of going over the code and crosswalk tables for the data warehouse in regards to the Disability field, and am finding that it isn’t being populated by the vast majority of schools.  We have need to populate this field correctly for reporting on several federal grants, so are looking to get the information cleaned up for the upcoming fall semester. 


I thought I would start with this group to ask who I might speak to on each campus to get input as to how things are recorded in Banner at each location.  The code currently looks at the information from form GOAMEDI to determine whether or not a student has a code entered that indicates a disability.  If schools are currently using this approach, I will just need to make sure that we are appropriately identifying the correct codes and crosswalk the values to the warehouse.  If not, I will likely need to get a group together to discuss how we might standardize the recording of this information so we are accurately reflecting the population.


Any assistance or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.




John Thunstrom

MUS IT Director

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406) 544-3822




To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ayudas del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

Ayudas del Ministerio de Industria


  • Subvención.
  • Hasta el 70 por ciento del presupuesto del proyecto
  • Máximo de 250.000 euros por beneficiario.
  • Presupuesto mínimo del proyecto de 175.000 euros.


  • Pequeñas empresas innovadoras.
  • No cotizadas.
  • Con no más de 4 años de vida.
  • Con un capital social mínimo de 20.000 euros.

El plazo de presentación para las ayudas Neotec solo está abierto hasta el 12 de septiembre

Solicitar un Neotec es un proceso laborioso que requiere muchas horas de trabajo muy especializado y de una estrecha colaboración entre Iberfinancia y tu empresa. .

Si estás interesado, contacta con nosotros cuanto antes para que hagamos un estudio previo de tu caso y te digamos como podemos ayudarte.

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49

o te contactamos nosotros

Déjanos tus datos

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

Monday, July 18, 2016

FVCC Position Vacancy

Good afternoon MACRAO family,


FVCC is advertising for the following position:  Director of Admissions.   Click on the link below to view this job description and many more that are currently available on our beautiful campus.


Fill free to pass this along to anyone you feel would be a GREAT candidate for the positions advertised on this site.  J 




FVCC Registrar

(406) 756-3845



Re: Disability Indicator

Thank you for all the responses!  It appears that we have no consistent scheme for recording this information, so I’ll regroup with folks at OCHE to talk about how we can move forward.


Thank you all for the information,



From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Sharon Nau
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Disability Indicator


FVCC has not been tracking this information in our student information system.  On our Application for Admission we refer students requesting Disability Accommodations to the Disabilities Office.



Sharon Nau



(406) 756-3845


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Dickerson, Leslie - Enrollment Services
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Disability Indicator


Montana Tech does not enter a disability code in BANNER.  We manually track and report this information. This may lead to a bigger discussion than just BANNER data entry.


Leslie Dickerson

Montana Tech

Registrar/Executive Dir. of Enrollment Management

(406) 496-4879


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Thunstrom, John
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 11:19 AM
Subject: Disability Indicator


Good morning-

I am in the process of going over the code and crosswalk tables for the data warehouse in regards to the Disability field, and am finding that it isn’t being populated by the vast majority of schools.  We have need to populate this field correctly for reporting on several federal grants, so are looking to get the information cleaned up for the upcoming fall semester. 


I thought I would start with this group to ask who I might speak to on each campus to get input as to how things are recorded in Banner at each location.  The code currently looks at the information from form GOAMEDI to determine whether or not a student has a code entered that indicates a disability.  If schools are currently using this approach, I will just need to make sure that we are appropriately identifying the correct codes and crosswalk the values to the warehouse.  If not, I will likely need to get a group together to discuss how we might standardize the recording of this information so we are accurately reflecting the population.


Any assistance or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.




John Thunstrom

MUS IT Director

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406) 544-3822




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Programa privado de pagarés

Reestructuramos pasivo

No todo son los bancos, existen formas de conseguir fondos que probablemente desconocías

  • Consigue fondos mediante la emisión de pagarés.
  • Úsalo como puente entre determinados pagos o para cubrir algún desfase de tesorería.
  • Es una opción muy flexible, completamente al margen de bancos y sin apunte en CIRBE.

Sabemos cómo y con quién gestionar estas líneas
Podemos conseguir la tuya.

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49

o te contactamos nosotros

Déjanos tus datos

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

Re: Disability Indicator

FVCC has not been tracking this information in our student information system.  On our Application for Admission we refer students requesting Disability Accommodations to the Disabilities Office.



Sharon Nau



(406) 756-3845


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Dickerson, Leslie - Enrollment Services
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Disability Indicator


Montana Tech does not enter a disability code in BANNER.  We manually track and report this information. This may lead to a bigger discussion than just BANNER data entry.


Leslie Dickerson

Montana Tech

Registrar/Executive Dir. of Enrollment Management

(406) 496-4879


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Thunstrom, John
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 11:19 AM
Subject: Disability Indicator


Good morning-

I am in the process of going over the code and crosswalk tables for the data warehouse in regards to the Disability field, and am finding that it isn’t being populated by the vast majority of schools.  We have need to populate this field correctly for reporting on several federal grants, so are looking to get the information cleaned up for the upcoming fall semester. 


I thought I would start with this group to ask who I might speak to on each campus to get input as to how things are recorded in Banner at each location.  The code currently looks at the information from form GOAMEDI to determine whether or not a student has a code entered that indicates a disability.  If schools are currently using this approach, I will just need to make sure that we are appropriately identifying the correct codes and crosswalk the values to the warehouse.  If not, I will likely need to get a group together to discuss how we might standardize the recording of this information so we are accurately reflecting the population.


Any assistance or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.




John Thunstrom

MUS IT Director

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406) 544-3822




To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:


To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Re: Disability Indicator

Same at MSU-Northern.


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Dickerson, Leslie - Enrollment Services
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2016 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Disability Indicator


Montana Tech does not enter a disability code in BANNER.  We manually track and report this information. This may lead to a bigger discussion than just BANNER data entry.


Leslie Dickerson

Montana Tech

Registrar/Executive Dir. of Enrollment Management

(406) 496-4879


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Thunstrom, John
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 11:19 AM
Subject: Disability Indicator


Good morning-

I am in the process of going over the code and crosswalk tables for the data warehouse in regards to the Disability field, and am finding that it isn’t being populated by the vast majority of schools.  We have need to populate this field correctly for reporting on several federal grants, so are looking to get the information cleaned up for the upcoming fall semester. 


I thought I would start with this group to ask who I might speak to on each campus to get input as to how things are recorded in Banner at each location.  The code currently looks at the information from form GOAMEDI to determine whether or not a student has a code entered that indicates a disability.  If schools are currently using this approach, I will just need to make sure that we are appropriately identifying the correct codes and crosswalk the values to the warehouse.  If not, I will likely need to get a group together to discuss how we might standardize the recording of this information so we are accurately reflecting the population.


Any assistance or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.




John Thunstrom

MUS IT Director

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406) 544-3822




To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:


To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Re: Disability Indicator

Montana Tech does not enter a disability code in BANNER.  We manually track and report this information. This may lead to a bigger discussion than just BANNER data entry.


Leslie Dickerson

Montana Tech

Registrar/Executive Dir. of Enrollment Management

(406) 496-4879


From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Thunstrom, John
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 11:19 AM
Subject: Disability Indicator


Good morning-

I am in the process of going over the code and crosswalk tables for the data warehouse in regards to the Disability field, and am finding that it isn’t being populated by the vast majority of schools.  We have need to populate this field correctly for reporting on several federal grants, so are looking to get the information cleaned up for the upcoming fall semester. 


I thought I would start with this group to ask who I might speak to on each campus to get input as to how things are recorded in Banner at each location.  The code currently looks at the information from form GOAMEDI to determine whether or not a student has a code entered that indicates a disability.  If schools are currently using this approach, I will just need to make sure that we are appropriately identifying the correct codes and crosswalk the values to the warehouse.  If not, I will likely need to get a group together to discuss how we might standardize the recording of this information so we are accurately reflecting the population.


Any assistance or direction you can provide would be greatly appreciated.




John Thunstrom

MUS IT Director

Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

(406) 544-3822




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