Hello all,
As far as I know, there is no “official” supplier of the MACRAO Fax stamp. We have used a local vendor, and Helena Stamp Works always does good work. All you need is a sample – Matt, if you need one, let me know and we can scan/email one to you.
Question: since many/most of us use electronic transcript delivery, will we continue to have a need to fax transcripts and the MACRAO Fax authentication? If yes, any ideas on how long we’ll continue to fax transcripts? Indefinitely may be the answer, and that’s ok since it’s a reasonably secure method of transmitting an academic transcript (depending on the in-box of the recipient J). Just wondered about your thoughts, or ideas…
Thanks everyone,
Bonnie B. Ashley
Montana State University
From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@listserv.gfcmsu.edu] On Behalf Of Filer, Matt
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 11:13 AM
To: MACRAO@listserv.gfcmsu.edu
Subject: MACRAO stamp
Does anyone know if there’s an official way to order a new “MACRAO Fax” stamp? I can get one, but didn’t know if there were logistics and stuff behind getting a new one.
Matthew P Filer
Assistant Registrar for Residency & Commencement
Emma B. Lommasson Center Rm. 201
Missoula, MT 59812
( (406)243-2413 8 umt.edu/registrar
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