Wednesday, January 15, 2014

FW: Coding of 1st-time students

Good morning around the state!


In case it is of some assistance, for the banner schools using the SHRTYPE process – it’s logic is what generally changes the “N” to ‘C’ with this population and tosses them from your cohort.  We’ve learned to stop the process prior to census; and update the stu_type.




From: Trevor, Tyler []
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8:20 AM
To: Alisha Schroeder; Bernie Tregidga; Ashley, Bonnie; Bonnie Dux; Brad Eldredge; Brown, Michael; Charity Walters; Johannes, Cheri; Dawn Ressel; Dena Wagner-Fossen; Edward Tomsu; Fastnow, Christina; Jessie Dufner; Joseph Lanni; Joyce Ayre; Kathy Williams; Wham, Linda; Lisa Blundt; Maggie Peterson; Melissa Harrington; Melody Lee; Barber, Michael; Wigert, Monika; Russ Fillner; Sara Dellwo; Susan Selig Wallwork; Turner, Kevin; Virginia Berube
Cc: Turner, Kevin; Gilbert, Shane
Subject: Coding of 1st-time students


To: Registrars/IR & Data Folks


With the growth of dual enrollment I want to remind everyone of the importance of correctly coding entering students, particularly recent high school graduates entering your campus with early college credits.  Students who are currently in high school who enroll for a course at a college must have a ‘stu_type’ = H.  Their admit_term should equal the first term they enrolled in an early college course and their admit_code should equal something that indicates “early college access” (i.e. campuses utilize a number of codes that we translate into “FE”, meaning Freshman Early Admit).


When these same students graduate from high school and enroll at your campus, it is imperative that their coding indicates that they are “first-time, degree seeking students” (see IPEDS definition and warehouse query logic below).  At this time their ‘stu_type’ should change to ‘N’ and admit_term should equal the first term they enter after high school graduation (i.e. 201370 if they graduated from high school in June 2013 and enrolled in the MUS in Fall 2013) and an admit_code equal to something that translates to first-time, traditional student (i.e. campuses utilize a number of codes that we translate into “FT”, first-time traditional).


In Fall 2013, we had 80 students who were admitted in 201370 (admit_term = “201370”) that were coded with first-time, traditional codes (admit_code = “FT”), yet had stu_type codes of ‘C’ (indicating that they were continuing students, not new).  As a result these students were not included in the group of first-time, degree seeking students, 52 of which had just graduated from a MT high school in the spring of 2013, and of those students, 50 entered with some college credit.  This occurred at some campuses more than others, I’m happy to share these student records with you so you can conduct further analysis.


First-time, degree-seeking students: A student who has no prior postsecondary experience (except as noted below)

attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled in academic or

occupational programs. It also includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time in

the prior summer term, and students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned before graduation

from high school). source: IPEDS


Warehouse Definition (Enrollment Table): {{based on Fall 2010}}

SELECT IF (ADMIT_TERM = "201070").

 (STU_TYPE = "N").

 (STU_LEVL = "UG" OR "CT").