Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Re: Single Admissions File Documents

Blackfeet Community College requires:  Immunization records ( 2 MMR vaccinations), transfer transcripts, high school transcripts, and if applicable, their Certificate of Indian Blood from their federally recognized tribe.  I am sure that with the Native American Student fee waiver, the universities/colleges would also require this??

On Mon, Dec 28, 2020 at 12:59 PM Matt Allen <Matt.Allen@umwestern.edu> wrote:

Hello Joe and Happy Holidays,


It would be helpful if the transmittal would include immunization records showing proof of the two doses of MMR and all transcripts from previously attended institutions. If possible, it is also helpful if it would include the students high school transcripts and ACT/SAT test scores as we will use that information for advising.


On another note, it would also be helpful when MSU is forwarding transmittals if their transcripts from other MSU colleges could look a little more like a transcript. If a student attends MSU Billings, and transfers to Bozeman, the transcript from Billings would show up in Bozeman's file as "DASH BOARD" and our student workers sometimes miss that transcript because it says 'Dash Board', not MSU-Billings Transcript.


Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your help on this.







MATT ALLEN, M.Ed.  | Director of Admissions | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 | 406.683.7450 | umwestern.edu


From: MACRAO Listserv <MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU> On Behalf Of Thiel, Joe
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2020 11:25 AM
Subject: Single Admissions File Documents


Good Morning, Everyone:


I hope you are all finding time for a well-deserved break.


I and a MACRAO subgroup are continuing work on the transmittal process, to see if we can incorporate the form into the system application portal and in other ways simplify the process for both students and campus staff.


One issue we identified is that there is not a standard recommended list of documents to send with a transmittal as a part of the single admissions file. Could you respond with what your campus needs/prefers be sent with a transmittal to enable admission?


I'll compile the list into a checklist of suggested/required documents for transmittal. Perhaps we can all review at the Spring MACRAO meeting, when I hope we will also have other updates and items for discussion related to the transmittal process.


Kind Regards,



Joseph Thiel

Director of Academic Policy and Research

Montana University System




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Monday, December 28, 2020

Préstamos ICO Inversión

ICO Covid Inversión

ICO Covid Inversión

Se trata de una línea destinada a financiar proyectos de inversión para empresas que se hayan visto afectadas por el Covid.

Tipo de operaciones


Destino de los fondos

Esta nueva línea amplía el destino de los fondos de las anteriores líneas ICO incluyendo también operaciones de inversión.

Importe máximo

El importe de cada operación dependerá de la inversión a realizar si bien se suponen límites como los de las líneas ICO habituales (hasta 12,5 millones por empresa) y limitaciones como en el resto de líneas Covid.

Las estrategias de las entidades bancarias están cambiando, después de meses cerrando operaciones a tipos muy bajos. Estas líneas ICO pueden ser de las últimas opciones para cerrar financiación a tipos de interé bajos y condiciones preferentes.

Si necesitas financiar un proyecto de inversión para tu empresa, pponte en contacto

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos


Tania de Iberfinancia

Re: Single Admissions File Documents

Hello Joe and Happy Holidays,


It would be helpful if the transmittal would include immunization records showing proof of the two doses of MMR and all transcripts from previously attended institutions. If possible, it is also helpful if it would include the students high school transcripts and ACT/SAT test scores as we will use that information for advising.


On another note, it would also be helpful when MSU is forwarding transmittals if their transcripts from other MSU colleges could look a little more like a transcript. If a student attends MSU Billings, and transfers to Bozeman, the transcript from Billings would show up in Bozeman's file as "DASH BOARD" and our student workers sometimes miss that transcript because it says 'Dash Board', not MSU-Billings Transcript.


Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your help on this.







MATT ALLEN, M.Ed.  | Director of Admissions | 710 South Atlantic Street | Dillon, Montana 59725 | 406.683.7450 | umwestern.edu


From: MACRAO Listserv <MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU> On Behalf Of Thiel, Joe
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2020 11:25 AM
Subject: Single Admissions File Documents


Good Morning, Everyone:


I hope you are all finding time for a well-deserved break.


I and a MACRAO subgroup are continuing work on the transmittal process, to see if we can incorporate the form into the system application portal and in other ways simplify the process for both students and campus staff.


One issue we identified is that there is not a standard recommended list of documents to send with a transmittal as a part of the single admissions file. Could you respond with what your campus needs/prefers be sent with a transmittal to enable admission?


I'll compile the list into a checklist of suggested/required documents for transmittal. Perhaps we can all review at the Spring MACRAO meeting, when I hope we will also have other updates and items for discussion related to the transmittal process.


Kind Regards,



Joseph Thiel

Director of Academic Policy and Research

Montana University System




To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Single Admissions File Documents

Good Morning, Everyone:


I hope you are all finding time for a well-deserved break.


I and a MACRAO subgroup are continuing work on the transmittal process, to see if we can incorporate the form into the system application portal and in other ways simplify the process for both students and campus staff.


One issue we identified is that there is not a standard recommended list of documents to send with a transmittal as a part of the single admissions file. Could you respond with what your campus needs/prefers be sent with a transmittal to enable admission?


I'll compile the list into a checklist of suggested/required documents for transmittal. Perhaps we can all review at the Spring MACRAO meeting, when I hope we will also have other updates and items for discussion related to the transmittal process.


Kind Regards,



Joseph Thiel

Director of Academic Policy and Research

Montana University System



Monday, December 21, 2020

Subvenciones para empresas

Subvenciones para empresas

Subvenciones para empresas

Las subvenciones no son para la mayoría de empresas:

....si necesitas el dinero para hacer una inversión, las subvenciones no te lo van a dar.

... si tu empresa está pasando un mal momento económico, las subvenciones no te van a ayudar.

... si dependes de una subvención para que tu negocio sea rentable, estás buscando la solución equivocada.

Entonces, ¿para qué valen las subvenciones?

Para ayudar a empresas sólidas y rentables con buenos proyectos (inversión, expansión, optimización, etc.) a recuperar parte de lo invertido en esos proyectos.

No sirven para poner proyectos en marcha, sino para reducir el impacto económico en la empresa de los mismos una vez ya se han realizado las inversiones.

En definitiva, las subvenciones no son financiación gratis como piensan algunos, son ayudas a posteriori para aquellas empresas que invierten en su crecimiento.

Si tu empresa tiene un proyecto en marcha y quieres saber si es subvencionable...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos



Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fondos no bancarios

Líneas no bancarias para Pymes


Préstamos de fondos de inversión

Operaciones sin avales ni garantías a partir de 500.000 euros y hasta 15 millones. Periodos de amortización de hasta 7 años con un máximo de 4 de carencia.


Préstamo en masa que no lleva asociados otros productos, no computa en Cirbe y no exige que se perpetúe la relación prestamista/prestatario.

Pagarés corporativos

Para empresas en crecimiento. Producto muy flexible que actúa como reserva de tesorería y permite regular desfases puntuales.

Leaseback y Rentback

Venta y posterior arrendamiento financiero de inmovilizado material. Condiciones (plazos y costes) muy favorables y ventajas fiscales.

Renting y Leasing

Líneas óptimas para la inversión en maquinaria. Aunque tanto el Renting como el Leasing se verán reflejados en el pasivo de la empresa, el Renting no computará en Cirbe.

Factoring y otras líneas de descuento

Adelanto de derechos de cobro (pagarés, facturas, recibos, contratos...) propiedad de la empresa para reducir las diferencias temporarias entre cobros y pagos y disponer de liquidez.

Si quieres saber más, analizamos tu caso sin compromiso...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Préstamos ICO Inversión

ICO Covid Inversión

ICO Covid Inversión

Se trata de una línea destinada a financiar proyectos de inversión para empresas que se hayan visto afectadas por el Covid.

Tipo de operaciones


Destino de los fondos

Esta nueva línea amplía el destino de los fondos de las anteriores líneas ICO incluyendo también operaciones de inversión.

Importe máximo

El importe de cada operación dependerá de la inversión a realizar si bien se suponen límites como los de las líneas ICO habituales (hasta 12,5 millones por empresa) y limitaciones como en el resto de líneas Covid.

Las estrategias de las entidades bancarias están cambiando, después de meses cerrando operaciones a tipos muy bajos. Estas líneas ICO pueden ser de las últimas opciones para cerrar financiación a tipos de interé bajos y condiciones preferentes.

Si necesitas financiar un proyecto de inversión para tu empresa, pponte en contacto

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos


Tania de Iberfinancia

Friday, December 4, 2020

Re: Semester date changes

Hi Virginia,

This happened to us for Spring semester. Our IT department was able to create a script and process that will allow you to change the dates on the back-end without un-enrolling students. I recommend testing in pre-prod first.  


I hope this helps. Let me know if you have questions.


Janet Friesz
Registrar/Veterans SCO

406.496.4868 | jfriesz@mtech.edu



From: MACRAO Listserv <MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU> On Behalf Of Virginia Boysun
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 1:17 PM
Subject: Semester date changes


External email: Use caution with links and attachments.


I am looking for a couple of processes (if available) to be able to change the last day of the spring semester. We have decided to cancel spring break, which moves the last day of classes up. I have to drop all students to change the day for each class. Is there a process to drop all students from all classes? Is there a process to update all classes to reflect this change? Is there a process to re-enroll all students into the classes they were registered for?



Virginia Boysun


Dawson Community College

300 College Drive

Glendive, MT  59330

(406) 377-9404


The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. 


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Semester date changes

I am looking for a couple of processes (if available) to be able to change the last day of the spring semester. We have decided to cancel spring break, which moves the last day of classes up. I have to drop all students to change the day for each class. Is there a process to drop all students from all classes? Is there a process to update all classes to reflect this change? Is there a process to re-enroll all students into the classes they were registered for?


Virginia Boysun
Dawson Community College
300 College Drive
Glendive, MT  59330
(406) 377-9404

The contents of this email message and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information and may be legally protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message or their agent, or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please immediately alert the sender by reply email and then delete this message and any attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, copying, or storage of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. 

To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Financiación alternativa

Financiación alternativa


Préstamos de fondos de inversión

Operaciones sin avales ni garantías a partir de 500.000 euros y hasta 15 millones. Periodos de amortización de hasta 7 años con un máximo de 4 de carencia.


Préstamo en masa que no lleva asociados otros productos, no computa en Cirbe y no exige que se perpetúe la relación prestamista/prestatario.

Pagarés corporativos

Para empresas en crecimiento. Producto muy flexible que actúa como reserva de tesorería y permite regular desfases puntuales.

Leaseback y Rentback

Venta y posterior arrendamiento financiero de inmovilizado material. Condiciones (plazos y costes) muy favorables y ventajas fiscales.

Renting y Leasing

Líneas óptimas para la inversión en maquinaria. Aunque tanto el Renting como el Leasing se verán reflejados en el pasivo de la empresa, el Renting no computará en Cirbe.

Factoring y otras líneas de descuento

Adelanto de derechos de cobro (pagarés, facturas, recibos, contratos...) propiedad de la empresa para reducir las diferencias temporarias entre cobros y pagos y disponer de liquidez.

Si quieres saber más, analizamos tu caso sin compromiso...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

resource on badging, other forms of credentialing & Learning and Employment Records (LERs)

Thought I would pass on this resource on badging, other forms of credentialing & Learning and Employment Records (LERs). ~d


Click on Read More button for the guide/resource.


From: Alex Doyle <alex.doyle@economicmodeling.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 12:05 PM
To: Dena Wagner-Fossen <dfossen@gfcmsu.edu>
Subject: Emsi: Innovative, skill-based learner records


NOTICE: This email originated from outside of your organization. Do not click links, open attachments, or respond unless you were expecting this message and know the content is safe.

Learning and Employment Records are going to play a critical role in helping connect students, employers, and educators via skills.

NEW Nurture Banner

Recent transitions to online-first work and distance learning have resulted in a new openness to digital learning records, badges, and other forms of credentialing that transcend the traditional transcript. 


The need for these digital records, as well as records that support growing skill-based hiring and learning preferences, has given rise to Learning and Employment Records, or LERs. If LERs are adopted universally, they will:

  • Help learners document and share their skills and competencies, whether they're acquired by traditional, non-traditional, or employer-based training.
  • Help employers get more precise insight into the relevant skills and abilities of job applicants and current employees.
  • Help educators better serve their learners and employer partners by providing more transparent learning records that surface the work-relevant skills learned in each course or program.


Want to learn more about LERs and the integral role skills data plays in these records?




As you continue to serve and educate your students through this time, we want to do everything we can to keep supporting you. Check out our HE COVID-19 resources page, and let us know if there's anything we can do to help.




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Emsi, 409 S. Jackson St., Moscow, Idaho 83843

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