Friday, September 30, 2016

Re: MACRAO Fall Meeting Update

Hi Kandi,

Thanks for the information on MACRAO.  Couple questions—1) Is there a list of recommended motels?  2) If sending the Registration Fee/Dues by mail, what mailing address should I send them to?


See you in a couple of weeks.


Thank you,






Sharon Nau



Flathead Valley Community College

777 Grandview Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901

P:  406.756.3845

F:  406.756.3965







From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Gresswell, Kandi
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 5:13 PM
Subject: MACRAO Fall Meeting Update




I’ve attached an updated fall meeting agenda.  We have the privilege of meeting with Lt. Governor Mike Cooney!  Some presentations have been rearranged, so please take a quick look at Attachment #1.



Parking information for Carroll from Cassie. Attachment #2, MACRAO Parking Map, is the map she’s referring to:

Here are some helpful links –

·        Directions to Carroll:

·        Campus Map:


We’ll be meeting in the lower level of the Campus Center (#1 on the map). There is a “pay lot” just south of the building that MACRAO attendees can feel free to park in without paying – our parking people will not be ticketing anywhere that afternoon. During the middle of the day, however, spaces are pretty limited in that lot. There’s a new parking lot going in along Henry Street (near the recycling sign on the map) that would also be close and should have spaces available, and then really any other open space people can find in the adjacent lots is fair game except for the area closest to the TV station (#15 on the map). If all else fails, there’s street parking available along Lyndale and Benton Avenues, although that’s often snatched up quickly by our students trying to avoid paying for a permit. J



Parking information for Helena College from Sarah:

Attachment #3 is a temporary parking permit for Helena College. Please note that it says we will be meeting in DON 125 but we will really be in DON 002/003.



Thank you!




Kandi Gresswell

Associate Registrar

Montana State University

101 Montana Hall

PO Box172660





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Re: Test score question

Hi Joe,


It has been a little diffuse on our campus as well. Testing and placement is housed in our Student Support Center. They are coordinating the bulk of the effort to set up the new tests and working with faculty to determine the cut scores. I put the assignments below.




From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Joe Simonsen
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 2:50 PM
Subject: Test score question


Good afternoon!

As we tackle the slew of changes in ACT, SAT, and Accuplacer, we’re discovering that responsibility for addressing these changes is a bit diffuse. Do you folks have particular departments or offices that are in charge of things like:

-          Keeping current on upcoming changes in placement tests – Student Support Center

-          Requesting/building those changes in your SIS – Not sure who will request this yet, but I will build the changes.

-          Mapping those changes to courses/setting cut scores – Faculty will primarily do this, but we will probably assist the mapping

-          Communicating cut score changes to incoming and current students – Admissions and Student Support Center

Thanks a bunch for your collective wisdom here!


Joe Simonsen



Director of Admissions
Great Falls College MSU
2100 16th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT 59405
Phone: 406.771.4309 or 800.446.2698 ext 4309
Fax: 406.771.2267
Apply Now!




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Ahora es el momento de conseguir un Enisa

Ahora es el momento de conseguir un Enisa

Expertos en financiación para empresas: ICO, Factoring, Préstamos bancarios


Si estás buscando fondos o te lo estabas planteando, Enisa es lo que necesitas. Las líneas de 2016 aun están abiertas y las de 2017 son una incógnita, aunque es posible que rebajen notablemente su presupuesto.

Si crees que tu empresa puede adaptarse a alguna de estas líneas ponte en contacto con nosotros para que te hagamos un estudio gratuito y sin compromiso:

Enisa Competitividad: Para expansión y mejora o cambio de sistemas productivos.
Enisa Agenda Digital: Para emprendedores y pymes que impulsen proyectos del sector TIC.
Enisa Emprendedores: Entre 25mil y 300mil euros para empresas de menos de 2 años de antigüedad.
Enisa jóvenes emprendedores: Entre 25mil y 300mil euros para empresas de menos de 2 años de antigüedad.


Llámanos al 981 90 49 49 o déjanos tus datos aquí y ya te llamamos nosotros.

Un saludo,

Elsa Couceiro


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

October Meeting Registration

Hello All!


For those of you who would prefer to utilize a hard copy form instead of the web form for registration, please use the attached forms! I am looking forward to seeing all of you in Helena! Big thanks to Kandi Gresswell for her hard work on the agenda and to Leslie Dickerson for getting our website up and rolling!


See you soon!




Kristi Peterson

Director of Admissions & Recruitment

PH: 406-265-3536




Monday, September 26, 2016

El 2016 se acaba… y tú sin tu ICO


Expertos en financiación para empresas: ICO, Factoring, Préstamos bancarios

El año enfila su recta final y lo mismo hacen las líneas ICO 2016.

Como no sabemos como serán las líneas de 2017
te recomendamos pedir tu ICO ahora
antes de que sea tarde

• ICO fidelidad y crecimiento.

Con la línea ICO Fidelidad podrás cancelar un ICO anterior y formalizar uno nuevo que mejore sus condiciones.

• ICO comercial

Liquidez mediante el anticipo de facturas procedentes de tu actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

• ICO empresas y emprendedores

Orientado a empresas y autónomos que realicen un proyecto en territorio nacional o necesiten liquidez.


Es necesario contar con el aval de una SGR o de la Sociedad Anónima de Caución Agraria.

• ICO internacional

Destinado a autónomos y empresas españolas o mixtas con capital mayoritariamente español.

• ICO exportadores

Liquidez con el anticipo del importe de facturas procedentes de tu actividad exportadora. .


Somos expertos en gestionar líneas ICO.

Podemos conseguir lo que necesitas.

Llámanos al 981 90 49 49


Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos nosotros


Friday, September 23, 2016

Conference Registration

Hi All,


Leslie wins the day for getting the website up and running!





Folks, you can now register for our fall meeting.





Thank you!




Kandi Gresswell

Associate Registrar

Montana State University

101 Montana Hall

PO Box172660




Re: Course revisions

Hi Everyone,

Part of my answer is to say that I conduct the vast majority of my changes to a section to the current section without cancelling/recreating. This cuts a lot of the workload and keeps CRN consistency throughout the semester.

If however, there are changes made at the Catalog level, we will cancel the section and recreate it as many changes will not automatically update with the new information and this will give a clean offering.

Lastly, I am a huge stickler on title changes. Since they are not editorial, I am cracking down considerably on title discrepancies on this campus.


I hope this is helpful.



Susan Cundiff

Scheduling Coordinator

Office of the Registrar

University of Montana

Missoula, MT 59812





From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Erik Willborg
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:34 PM
Subject: Course revisions


Hi everyone,


I'm looking for insight in how other institutions handle minor course revisions. For example, when a course title or description is changed without any revisions to the content of the course, is it common practise to always generate a new course number or are changes made reusing the old course number?


We are working on clarifying our policy while being mindful of the limitations within our existing course numbering system.


Any thoughts are much appreciated.






Erik Willborg
Rocky Mountain College
1511 Poly Drive
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 657-1032



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Re: Course revisions


Since Banner Student allows for some level of what I'm going to call "Versioning," we tend towards updating the currently active course.  This aligns with us using CourseLeaf for Catalog and Course management, which leans towards only creating a new course when there is functionally something different between courses being offered.  So our normal protocol is to use the Copy button for a course in SCACRSE through Banner, which essentially sets a version of the course starting at the specified term (and ending the previous iteration at that term).  I would suppose that the cutoff is rather arbitrary, but I think a thing that keeps people from changing course numbers for minor changes at MSU is the approval process itself, which is moderately complicated for current courses, and more so for new courses (specifically new course numbering).

-- Jeff

Jeffrey Langemeier | Data Systems Director

Direct: 406.994.3909 | Main 406.994.6650 | Fax: 406.994.1972
Montana State University | 101 Montana Hall | PO Box 172660

From: MACRAO Listserv <MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU> on behalf of Erik Willborg <erik.willborg@ROCKY.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:33:56 PM
Subject: Course revisions
Hi everyone,

I’m looking for insight in how other institutions handle minor course revisions. For example, when a course title or description is changed without any revisions to the content of the course, is it common practise to always generate a new course number or are changes made reusing the old course number?

We are working on clarifying our policy while being mindful of the limitations within our existing course numbering system.

Any thoughts are much appreciated.


Erik Willborg
Rocky Mountain College
1511 Poly Drive
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 657-1032

You are receiving this information as determined by the educational right to know disclosure guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you are not the intended recipient, please do not disclose, copy, or distribute this information. Please notify the sender immediately by return electronic email or by telephone. Thank you.

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Re: Course revisions

Hi Erik,


If it's a minimal change like a revised title or even a change in credits, we still use the same course number. Our system (Colleague) preserves the course title at the time a student registers, so with these smaller changes we don't have to worry that the title or credits are going to be changed retroactively on a transcript. We're probably a bit more lenient with curricular changes in general at Carroll, but if we created a new course number every time a department wanted to alter a title we'd run out of numbers very quickly!






Cassie E. Hall



Carroll College

1601 N. Benton Avenue

Helena, MT 59625-0002


Tel: (406) 447-4572 / (406) 447-5435





From: MACRAO Listserv [mailto:MACRAO@LISTSERV.GFCMSU.EDU] On Behalf Of Erik Willborg
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 4:34 PM
Subject: Course revisions


Hi everyone,


I'm looking for insight in how other institutions handle minor course revisions. For example, when a course title or description is changed without any revisions to the content of the course, is it common practise to always generate a new course number or are changes made reusing the old course number?


We are working on clarifying our policy while being mindful of the limitations within our existing course numbering system.


Any thoughts are much appreciated.






Erik Willborg
Rocky Mountain College
1511 Poly Drive
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 657-1032



You are receiving this information as determined by the educational right to know disclosure guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you are not the intended recipient, please do not disclose, copy, or distribute this information. Please notify the sender immediately by return electronic email or by telephone. Thank you.


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Fondos de la UE para pymes (línea Cosme)

Cosme, fondos europeos para pymes

Cosme aplica la "Small Business Act" en Europa, para que las pymes puedan desplegar todo su potencial.

  • Nació en 2014 y cuenta con un presupuesto de 2.300 millones hasta 2020.
  • Cuenta con el programa Iniciativa Pyme con el objetivo de apoyar a 330.000 pymes hasta 2020.
  • Las operaciones solo se pueden gestionar a través de bancos adheridos al programa.
Quiero saber más sobre Cosme

Somos tu oportunidad de acceder a fondos europeos.

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Course revisions

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for insight in how other institutions handle minor course revisions. For example, when a course title or description is changed without any revisions to the content of the course, is it common practise to always generate a new course number or are changes made reusing the old course number?

We are working on clarifying our policy while being mindful of the limitations within our existing course numbering system.

Any thoughts are much appreciated.


Erik Willborg
Rocky Mountain College
1511 Poly Drive
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 657-1032

You are receiving this information as determined by the educational right to know disclosure guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you are not the intended recipient, please do not disclose, copy, or distribute this information. Please notify the sender immediately by return electronic email or by telephone. Thank you.

To unsubscribe from the MACRAO list, click the following link:

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Test score question

Good afternoon!

As we tackle the slew of changes in ACT, SAT, and Accuplacer, we’re discovering that responsibility for addressing these changes is a bit diffuse. Do you folks have particular departments or offices that are in charge of things like:

-          Keeping current on upcoming changes in placement tests

-          Requesting/building those changes in your SIS

-          Mapping those changes to courses/setting cut scores

-          Communicating cut score changes to incoming and current students

Thanks a bunch for your collective wisdom here!


Joe Simonsen



Director of Admissions
Great Falls College MSU
2100 16th Avenue South
Great Falls, MT 59405
Phone: 406.771.4309 or 800.446.2698 ext 4309
Fax: 406.771.2267
Apply Now!